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Academic Integrity Concordia University

How many students cheat?

Interesting read about cheating: Nouvelle recherche sur la probité intellectuelle – Peut-on éradiquer la tricherie chez les étudiants ? by Catherine Bolton, Mebs Kanji and Soheyla Salari in Le Devoir Oct. 24th 2011 The authors remark, about a recent study presented at the International Conference on Academic Integrity : Jusqu’à présent, les données que nous avons recueillies […] Lire la suite

Information literacy Inspiration

Some MERLOT with PRIMO for inspiration

This post presents the PRIMO (Peer-Reviewed Instructional Materials Online) and the MERLOT (Multimedia Educational Resource for Teaching and Learning) projects. PRIMO Under the ALA/ACRL umbrella, one can find the PRIMO Committee of the Instruction section. Of the many things they do, they offer a database of Peer-Reviewed Instructional Materials Online – aka the PRIMO database. […] Lire la suite


E-Learning in Canadian Higher Education

In reading the weekly newsletter from CARL, I stumbled on this blog post from Léo Charbonneau at University Affairs, discussing the following report: Kaznowska, E., Rogers, J., and Usher, A. (2011). The State of E-Learning in Canadian Universities, 2011: If Students Are Digital Natives, Why Don’t They Like E-Learning? Toronto: Higher Education Strategy Associates. Lire la suite

Bibliographies Information literacy Open education Videos

Flip’n library instruction

“To flip” is getting a new definition in the education setting: that of delivering lectures via video or other out-of-classroom vehicles and using class time for exercises and other active learning exercises. At least, that’s my sense for a series of articles discussing the developments around Kahn Academy. First off, Clive Thompson provides a fascinating […] Lire la suite


Where did you read that?

Funny thing about using a smart phone for reading tons of sources – magazines, blogs, emails, pdfs, etc – is that I am having a hard time remembering “where” I read something. Actually, I remember where I was when I read it (this train station, this café…) but not the source. Invariably, my brain just […] Lire la suite