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Business plans

Researching business intelligence for new ventures

District 3 library research seminar handout When launching a new business, information about industries, markets or competitors can be invaluable. In this session, we will cover resources from the Internet as well as licensed market and industry intelligence databases available from Concordia University Library. This is a workshop adapted from the “Entrepreneurship”  course at the […] Lire la suite

Bibliographies Research

Readings on issues facing university research in Canada

Here is a bibliography on the topic of research in Canadian universities. In no particular order, I’ve tried to incorporate some sub-themes, namely graduate students; research support; international; innovation. I’ve grouped results based on the type of source, such as trade associations, government reports and academic articles.   Trade Associations​ & Think Tanks (Criteria: reports in English […] Lire la suite

Copyright Gamification Librarianship

Support our project to get indie digital games in libraries

Suivez l’évolution de ce projet: http://www.culturelibre.ca/tag/knight/ Follow the evolution of this project here: http://outfind.ca/tag/knight/ I am really excited to share with you Concordia’s own Technoculture Art and Games’ (TAG) submission for the Knight Foundation’s News Challenge, here is the link: https://www.newschallenge.org/challenge/how-might-libraries-serve-21st-century-information-needs/submissions/play-at-your-leisure The goal is to get digital games from small (aka indie) studios into libraries. […] Lire la suite

Concordia University Copyright

Some readings on Copyright

I am giving a lecture on copyright this afternoon and here is the list of preparatory material I submitted to the class: Canadian Intellectual Property Office page on Copyright: http://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/cipointernet-internetopic.nsf/eng/h_wr00003.html The “CCH” case on fair dealing: CCH Canadian Ltd. v. Law Society of Upper Canada, [2004] 1 SCR 339, 2004 SCC 13 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/1glp0> retrieved […] Lire la suite


Publication Le présent site est publié par Olivier Charbonneau (O.Charbonneau@concordia.ca), bibliothécaire à l’Université Concordia. Les contenus sont hébergés sur les serveurs de la Chaire de l’Université de Montréal en droit de la sécurité et des affaires électroniques au Centre de recherche en droit public de l’Université de Montréal, 3101 Chemin de la Tour, à Montréal, QC, au Canada. Ce […] Lire la suite