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Library services for graduate students (Fall 2020)
Fall 2020 will bring a new cohort of exceptional students to Concordia University’s John Molson School of Business. I have been asked to present, very succinctly, the library services and collections afforded to them upon joining us. Please find below the outline of my presentation, with corresponding links. The library website is your portal to […] Lire la suite
Introduction to Marketing
Under development. Please access Concordia University Library’s Business Research Portal (BRP) for essential resources. Lire la suite
Marketing Research
This page is designed by Olivier Charbonneau, Senior Librarian for the Marketing department of JMSB, to support learning and classroom activities of students enrolled in MARK 302 Marketing Research. Quick access: remember to access the Library’s (1) Business Research Portal for the library supported collection for JMSB; use the (2) Ask-A-Librarian service for searching help; […] Lire la suite
Entrepreneurship: researching a business plan
The current Entrepreneurship guide on the Concordia University Library website: https://www.concordia.ca/library/guides/management/comm320.html You may also want to check out the “Researching a business plan using free Internet sources” post. Lire la suite
Cross-cultural communications
This page is designed for students taking MARK / IBUS 492 Cross-Cultural Communications at the John Molson School of Business (JMSB) at Concordia University. The “See also” section provides links to additional library resources and services. The “More books, articles (…)” section provides insight on searching the library’s collections to enrich your classroom experience. The […] Lire la suite
International marketing
This page is under construction. In the interim, please find below some great resources that will support your research needs. Quick access trio: remember to access the Library’s (1) Business Research Portal for the best business sources; use the (2) Ask-A-Librarian help desk; and the (3) citing business sources in APA format. Please click on […] Lire la suite
Contemporary Business Thinking
If you are taking Contemporary Business Thinking (COMM 210), you are probably a new student at JMSB. This guide is designed by Olivier Charbonneau, Senior Business Librarian at Concordia University, and aims to support the activities planned by your instructor over the semester. This guide is divided in two sections: Tutorials to improve your searching […] Lire la suite
Consumer behaviour
This page is designed by Olivier Charbonneau, Senior Librarian for the Marketing department of JMSB, to support learning and classroom activities of students enrolled in MARK 305 Consumer Behaviour. See also: Business communication, for a half hour video on searching for business information. Quick access: remember to access the Library’s (1) Business Research Portal for […] Lire la suite
Open Educational Support for Marketing and Management courses at JMSB
As one of the librarians taking care of the John Molson School of Business at Concordia University, I am responsible for supporting two of the five departments, namely Marketing and Management. Over a decade ago, I embarked on an initiative to transform my library service, leveraging blended pedagogy to provide Open Educational Resources for my […] Lire la suite
How to ethically use articles and reports from databases licensed by a library?
This question is quite astute as it allows me to consider both academic integrity as well as complying with copyright and licensing requirements. I’m periodically asked whether one can send an article or a report from a licensed database by our University Library to someone outside of our University’s library. The gist: Don’t share, just […] Lire la suite