video games industry
What about games in academic libraries?
Reading up on the subject of games in academic institutions Scholarly articles & papers (slightly disorganized) Tappeiner, Elizabeth & Catherine Lyons, (2008) “Selection criteria for academic video game collections“, Collection Building, Vol. 27 Iss: 3, pp.121 – 125 Kane, Danielle, Soehner, Catherine and Wei, Wei. “Building a collection of video games in support of a […] Lire la suite
On the state of the video game industry in Québec
See: “Étude de jeu 2012 : L’industrie du jeu électronique poursuit sa croissance en 2013 | TECHNOCompétences” Lire la suite
Games in universities
I stumbled on this “virtual” games “museum” (i.e. just a bunch of – althought highly cureated – webpages on the subject) at the University of Waterloo. Also of interest, this company started to publish videogames created by students in a university games program : The company, Utah Game Forge, opened in May and just released its first […] Lire la suite