Video games industry in Canada
These are some interesting reports that cover the video games industry in Canada. In addition, you may want to search for articles that cover this topic.
Reports from Governments
- Digital Media (Invest in Canada), see in particular “Digital Media – Canada’s Competitive Advantages”
- Small & Medium Enterprise Benchmarking (average income statement for firms with 5 million dollars or less in revenue) : Software Industry (NAICS Code 51121) for Quebec 2008
Provincial – Quebec
- “Technologie de l’information et des communications” from the Ministère du Développement économique, de l’Innovation et de l’Exportation du Québec. In particuclar, see: Le marché des jeux vidéo en Nouvelle-Angleterre
- Observatoire de la Culture et des Communications (Institut de la statistique du Québec) has a few reports on “Multimedia” production, in particular: Production multimédia au Québec : portrait des établissements en 2007-2008 (Optique Culture, No 60, Juin 2010).
Municipal – Montréal
- Montréal International – in particular, see: Profil de l’industrie des TIC du Grand Montréal (PDF, 44 p.)
- City of Montreal Public Libraries receive a donation of 5000 video games on April 27th 2012 (press release in French).
Reports from Trade Associations
Entertainment Software Industry Association of Canada
- Under the “Research” tab of their website: Canada’s Entertainment Software Industry in 2011
Reports from Market Research Firms (Concordia Authentification or on-campus access Required)
- 51121e Video Game Software Publishing in the US by Dale Schmidt (March 2012)
- NN003 – Video Games by Dale Schmidt (March 2012)
- Sign on to Passport GMID and search (top right corner) for “video games canada” (provides industry reports, consumption statistics and company profiles).
PMB Print Measurement Bureau
- PMB Product Data provides results of a yearly survey of over 11000 Canadians’s consumption habit.
- Look under “Home Electronics > Video Game Systems” as well as “Computer, Phones & Internet > Cell Phones/Smartphones/PDA”.
- Polls and surveys – perform a keyword search on “video games”
Trends or in the news
See this contest from Creative Commons: Announcing the Liberated Pixel Cup: an epic contest for gaming freedom :
And this is where you come in: “Phase one” of the competition will then be building artwork that matches that guide that should then be uploaded to OpenGameArt and dual licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 and GPLv3. This part of the project will run from June 1st through June 30th. “Phase two” of this competition will be building GPLv3 or later games that incorporate artwork from the artwork building phase of the project. People can work in teams or individually, and this portion of the contest will run from July 1st through July 31st. [read more]
See also: for open licensing digital assets.
Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 2018-12-20 à 1:01 pm.