Legacy Video Game Collection Simulator
I’ve been toying with documenting a burgeoning video/digital game collection for my institution. I took a stab at establishing some costs and space considerations for various assumptions. For example, average cost and sizes for consoles, controllers and games from years past… I’ve tried to capture some of the metrics and data I’ve gathered in this spreadsheet: Legacy Video Game Collection Simulator.
For the record, a legacy game collection implies physical objects embedded with digital media which are no longer commercially available.
(Special thanks to Darren Wershler, professor at Concordia University in Montréal, for his assistance in this project.
With it, you can modify the cost & size assumptions and generate model collections. Of course, it does not specify which exact consoles you would acquire for your collection, but it allows to generate some models one would plan budget or space requirements.
Please let me know if you have comments or questions!
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