Meet Alice, the first digital gaming kit for libraries
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Above is a picture of our prototype, codename Alice for a few reasons:
- it is our “alpha” or A prototype;
- Alice, in encryption circles, tries to talk to Bob; and
- it is a “clin-d’oeil” to Lisa, Apple’s first computer with a graphical interface and my favorite character on the Simpsons
Many many thanks to the Knight Foundation for their wonderful support !!
My team of engineers are working hard on building a functioning prototype. We have selected a “stripped down” Linux distribution running Kodi as a platform. We picked some generic controllers, a hard plastic case and a mini-computers running on solid state memory (the Gygabyte Brix in fact).
They will hopefully deliver a first version of the device by late June. We will also deliver all our code via the usual open source venues (not sure which actually, but my team is keen on contributing their work back to the community quickly).
Afterwards, my team and I hope to visit with 2 public library systems: Montreal and Austin public libraries. We aim to discuss this project with library employees (administrators, professionals and staff), game developers and patrons. I have ethnographers working on our research instruments.
So, my team is busy with the work our grant has funded and we should have some tangible results in a month or so.
Please let me know if you have questions, ideas or comments, I am most interested in them! My email is: (note to humans: please remove all capital letters from my email address to reach me).
Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 2018-12-20 à 1:00 pm.