Critical Thinking Librarianship
Resources from HLWiki on critical thinking
Olivier Charbonneau 2013-08-28
The HLWiki site, supported by health librarians in Canada, offers a page on critical thinking as well as Critical Pedagogy and library instruction. Both contain references and tons of resources. Lire la suite
Critical Thinking
Edward de Bono on “Lateral Thinking” “thinking as a skill” and “six thinking hats”
Olivier Charbonneau 2013-08-28
Edward de Bono has written dozens of books on the thinking process. He came up with the “lateral thinking” meme and even hosted a series of TV shows on the BBC in the 1980 on the subject. Many of his lectures are available on YouTube. An interesting website: Effective Thinking’s online learning resource with a […] Lire la suite
Concordia University Librarianship
Some thoughts for redesigning a library reference desk
Olivier Charbonneau 2013-08-27
We are undergoing a library redesign project and here are some brainstormed ideas of how I would create an information experience at a modern university library: 1. Would it be desirable to have a prominent desk greeting users as soon as they enter the library, or a more open space (with a smaller desk) that […] Lire la suite
Gamification Information literacy
Gaming in libraries, a special issue of Library Trends
Olivier Charbonneau 2013-08-27
The Spring 2013 issue of Library Trends deals with gaming in libraries (v. 61, n. 4), public, academic or otherwise. The editor of this special issue presents it in light of his recent book: In my book, Everyone Plays at the Library: Creating Great Gaming Experiences for All Ages (2010), I created a model for […] Lire la suite
Critical Thinking Inspiration
Is Google knowledge? (PBS IdeaChannel)
Olivier Charbonneau 2013-08-23
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCwLQrJz4Bo&w=420&h=315] Lire la suite
Open education
Beyond the MOOC, the DOCC
Olivier Charbonneau 2013-08-23
Interesting press release from the FemTechNet Commons about a new approach to open education: do it in a network! From their press release: FemTechNet, a network of feminist scholars and educators, is launching a new model for online learning at 15 higher education institutions this fall. The DOCC, or Distributed Open Collaborative Course, is a […] Lire la suite
Concordia University Open access
3D printing in Libraries & welcome Mike Groenendyk!
Olivier Charbonneau 2013-08-21
I just learned that Mike Groenendyk is joining Concordia University Libraries as a fellow business librarian. Michael comes to us from Dalhousie University Libraries, where he’s had quite a bit of impact ! In my lazy-yet-mysteriously-efficient-googling, I’ve stumbled on this really interesting project to bring 3D printing to the DAL Libraries, funded by CARL. Watch a […] Lire la suite
Blended Learning Gamification Read Me
Fuller on the future of education – 30 years ago!
Olivier Charbonneau 2013-08-09
On a whim, I purchased access to a bundle of technology articles from the New Yorker, enjoying these long-form essays from the past years and decades. One of them, “In the Outlaw Area” by Calvin Tomkins (The New Yorker, January 8, 1966, p. 35), presents iconoclast architect and all-around scientific great Buckminster Fuller, whose work […] Lire la suite
Gamification Inspiration
Musings on Open Data, MineCraft and Libraries
Olivier Charbonneau 2013-08-09
This is a vision I had a few weeks ago, that I shared with colleagues at the Technoculture Art and Games (TAG) research group at Concordia University. It also fits with a conversation I’ve had with Marius Buliga on his blog chorasimilarity about data visualization, apps and open data (and much more). It is a […] Lire la suite
Copyright Research
On econometrics…
Olivier Charbonneau 2013-08-07
I’ve always wanted to learn a few more languages, and I am going to add a new one to my “must earn before I die” list: econometrics. I sense that this is the analytical tool that I will eventually have to use to really dig deep into the problems I want to research. The problem […] Lire la suite