Information Technology Social media
Collaborate on the fly with Padlet
Olivier Charbonneau 2016-11-30
A colleague of mine used a tool call Padlet in a classroom setting during a presentation to foster open collaboration with attendees. Padlet is a collaborative website which allows posting small tidbits of information in a series of “wall-like” pages. A bit like a community board filles with sticky notes of links, videos and the like. […] Lire la suite
Back from vacation…
Olivier Charbonneau 2016-08-16
The summer is over and I am getting ready for the new semester. On the agenda this academic year: launching some training videos on youtube, to show undergrads in business the ins and outs of research. Stay tuned for the links, soon… Lire la suite
Academic Integrity
New white paper on plagiarism
Olivier Charbonneau 2016-06-15
I quickly noted the publication of a white paper on plagiarism by Unplag, a plagiarism detection software company: The complete guide to discouraging plagiarism: https://unplag.com/materials/free-plagiarism-guide/book.pdf The also offer a blog which is somewhat laced with self-promoting corporate topics (but hey, that is to be expected). Lire la suite
Copyright Gamification Librarianship
Support our project to get indie digital games in libraries
Olivier Charbonneau 2016-03-23
Suivez l’évolution de ce projet: http://www.culturelibre.ca/tag/knight/ Follow the evolution of this project here: http://outfind.ca/tag/knight/ I am really excited to share with you Concordia’s own Technoculture Art and Games’ (TAG) submission for the Knight Foundation’s News Challenge, here is the link: https://www.newschallenge.org/challenge/how-might-libraries-serve-21st-century-information-needs/submissions/play-at-your-leisure The goal is to get digital games from small (aka indie) studios into libraries. […] Lire la suite
Concordia University Copyright
Some readings on Copyright
Olivier Charbonneau 2016-03-14
I am giving a lecture on copyright this afternoon and here is the list of preparatory material I submitted to the class: Canadian Intellectual Property Office page on Copyright: http://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/cipointernet-internetopic.nsf/eng/h_wr00003.html The “CCH” case on fair dealing: CCH Canadian Ltd. v. Law Society of Upper Canada, [2004] 1 SCR 339, 2004 SCC 13 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/1glp0> retrieved […] Lire la suite
Business plans Information literacy
Quick & dirty outline of an intro to business research
Olivier Charbonneau 2016-01-11
Here is a draft outline I just created for a professor teaching an entrepreneurship class for Fine Arts students. Caveat being that these students are not business majors, so we have to spend more time explaining why each resource is useful and how to incorporate these sources in their assignments. Also, the bit about copyright is […] Lire la suite