Concordia University Digital media & ecommerce Food
MARK 305 Consumer Behavior (Fall 2019 edition)
Olivier Charbonneau 2019-10-01
Here are some starting points for succeeding the final project at JMSB’s (Concordia University) MARK 305 Consumer Behavior course. Remember to think about who produces what kind of information and in which format: 1. Consumer behavior trend analysis: Where do we find information about emerging trends in CB? Free web sources recommended by Olivier, your librarian. […] Lire la suite
Community Arcade Gamification zombies
On board games
Olivier Charbonneau 2019-09-19
Here is a selection of books and other resources about board games. It came after a flurry of emails on academic listserv. Thank you to all of those who have suggested materials for this short bibliography ! Material on the Internet (aka “free stuff”) Matthew B Caffrey Jr. (2019) Wargaming: How Wargames Have Shaped History and […] Lire la suite
Business plans Industries and Markets
Research lecture for the eMBA program at Concordia University
Olivier Charbonneau 2019-08-22
When researching or launching a new business, information about industries, markets or competitors can be invaluable. In this session, we will cover resources from the Internet as well as licensed market and industry intelligence databases available from Concordia University Library. This is a workshop adapted from the “Entrepreneurship” course at the John Molson School of […] Lire la suite
Copyright handout (short)
Olivier Charbonneau 2019-06-11
Full presentation is available here. Lire la suite
Community Arcade
Community Arcade initiative meetup
Olivier Charbonneau 2019-05-22
The Community Arcade team met yesterday, with valiant efforts from many members to show up despite illness, deadlines and other imponderable events. In the end, Scott and I shared a fascinating conversation about the partnership grant I am a member of as well as the broader topic commercialisation of ideas in the humanities and social sciences […] Lire la suite
Community Arcade
Let there be Community Arcades!
Olivier Charbonneau 2019-05-02
We had a very productive meeting today. Around the table were Jessie, Michael, Kalervo, Valérie, Scott, Fabio and your humble servant (some people had to run in or out, but most were around for the duration). Hope I didn’t forget anyone! Of the many things we discussed, I wanted to flag that we are “rebranding” the […] Lire la suite
Community Arcade
Indie games in libraries: preservation and acces
Olivier Charbonneau 2019-04-26
Long term preservation (legal deposit, national bibliographies, literary archives and fonds management) Research and scholarship (academic labs, academic library acquisitions, interlibrary loans, copyright exceptions) Certify & contextualize (publishing, bookstores, fan culture) Access (public libraries & schools)s We discussed a few points from this list… Long term preservation I’ve asked around (informally) about digital preservation initiatives in libraries & […] Lire la suite
Blended Learning Videos
How to get closed captions on YouTube
Olivier Charbonneau 2019-04-09
Closed captions or transcribed video is a great idea for your YouTube videos. It allows watchers to follow along is a loud environment (like public transport) as well as offering the hearing impaired an opportunity to partake. Of course, learners of a new language can also use the transcription service to read the words as […] Lire la suite
Non classé
Thoughts on the April 2nd meeting
Olivier Charbonneau 2019-04-03
I wanted to provide an account of our meetup yesterday concerning the indie games in libraries initiative. Thanks to tagsters Kalervo and Michael as well as Valérie Rioux, whom is new to TAG (she is an innovation & games librarian expert) for your insight, ideas and interest in the indie games in libraries initiative! We started the meeting by exploring some ideas […] Lire la suite
Rebooting the licensing games for libraries initiative
Olivier Charbonneau 2019-03-29
Following the Microtalk I gave last Wednesday at TAG, I wanted to thank everyone for their interest and comments. As I reported, I learned the day before the Microtalks that we did not secure funding to relaunch the licensing project through the Story Bikes idea. Arguably, I was really interested in looking at the legal issues of that project… which bring […] Lire la suite