Industries and Markets Reference
My advice for business research
Olivier Charbonneau 2014-12-10
Here is a paragraph I sent to a student trying to locate business information: And please remember my motto about research: Search well and use what you find. Seeking out a little tidbit of information may be (and usually is) a waste of time. Take an hour or two, compile interesting sources from smart searching, […] Lire la suite
Blended Learning Guidelines - recommendations Information Technology Inspiration Open education
Report on 10 trends that can transform education
Olivier Charbonneau 2014-11-21
A new report from the UK highlights 10 trends or new techniques in education that may have a profound impact on how we teach and learn. Academics from the Institute of Educational Technology and the Faculty of Mathematics, Computing and Technology at The Open University offer us the Innovating Pedagogy report, the third such report […] Lire la suite
Information Technology Open education
Learn videos from videos
Olivier Charbonneau 2014-11-04
I’ve had the opportunity to watch a few great videos from Vimeo’s film school and I got some great tips on producing great footage with low cost tools. Lire la suite
Information Technology Inspiration
What are libraries good for?
Olivier Charbonneau 2014-11-04
Interesting article from EDUCAUSE called Libraries as Enablers of Pedagogical and Curricular Change by Joan Lippincott, Anu Vedantham, and Kim Duckett. Here is the abstract: Key Takeaways Academic libraries are increasingly adding multimedia production facilities and other technology- and service-oriented spaces as part of overall structural renovations. Although such remodeled spaces offer tremendous opportunities to […] Lire la suite
Montréal Reference
Quick economic industrial survey of Montréal
Olivier Charbonneau 2014-10-10
Here are sources for finding information about Montréal’s economy and industrial make-up. I refer to subscriptions at Concordia University where I work. – Passport GMID from Euromonitor This is a system we have under subscription at the Library. It now provides top line reports of major cities around the world, including Montreal. Please access the […] Lire la suite
Assessment Guidelines - recommendations
Evaluating learning spaces
Olivier Charbonneau 2014-10-08
This new release from the good people at EDUCAUSE seems interesting. It is called the Learning Space Rating System (LSRS) and only covers formal spaces (e.g. classrooms) for now, but will eventually will allow the evaluation of informal learning spaces, such as libraries. Lire la suite
Blended Learning Information Technology
Policies for eLearning
Olivier Charbonneau 2014-10-01
I am listening to a podcast of a 2005 EDUCAUSE session at their annual conference entitled How E-Learning Policies Can Reduce Faculty Workloads and Keep E-Learning Courses Running Smoothly. The speaker is Shirley Waterhouse, the Executive Director, Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. Their website also showcases many projects and initiatives […] Lire la suite
My big idea to transform libraries
Olivier Charbonneau 2014-09-26
I’ve just submitted (with Bart & Prem’s assistance) a submission to the Knight Foundation News Challenge to “transform libraries” with digital indie games. Please have a look at the submission – I can still edit it on Monday or Tuesday, comments welcome: Digital indie games licensing for libraries Also, do send it around the ‘net […] Lire la suite
Information literacy Inspiration
Dinosaurs explain proper searching
Olivier Charbonneau 2014-09-25
From our friends at the University of Sidney down under: [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oa66AxTbjxA&w=560&h=315] Lire la suite
Information literacy Inspiration
Awards for library instructors
Olivier Charbonneau 2014-09-22
The Library Instruction Round Table (LIRT) or the American Library Association has announced the opening of two award nominations, one for a librarian and another for a library. Deadline is January 15th 2014. Lire la suite