Information literacy Inspiration

UNESCO launches Media & Information Literacy Online Course

UNESCO annonces the launch of an online course in Media and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue : The course will focus on the following subjects: Intercultural dialogue and citizenship; Freedom of expression, freedom of information and understanding the news; Representation and languages in media and information; Advertising and citizenship; Information literacy and library skills; Communication; MIL […] Lire la suite

Critical Thinking Universities

ACFAS on critical thinking (French)

ACFAS publishes an essay/interview with Normand Baillargeon on critical thinking On the French Canadian scientific community association’s website: « Les vertus épistémiques : l’honnêteté intellectuelle, l’intégrité, la capacité de soumettre à la critique d’autrui ce qu’on avance, une certaine et indispensable méfiance à l’endroit de nos sens et de notre mémoire, la capacité d’envisager des hypothèses autres, […] Lire la suite


Gamification for business

In its Schumpeter colums, The Economist this weeks presents Gamificatiln, through a new book published on the subject: As video games have grown from an obscure hobby to a $67 billion industry, management theorists have begun to return the favour. Video games now have the dubious honour of having inspired their own management craze. Called […] Lire la suite